
life is that never give up

I told my mummy dum worry abt my marriage.i always trust i will find my true man.acturally ,i dum believe alleged"love"I believed love before 22 years old , i trust fate after 22years old. The god has arranged all of the fates since ppl was born . That is absolute hard to change,even if the couples love each other so much.so what ?the end is end.the end never be like "bigen".that is bull shit (excourse me).
i m like vargancy.where is my home ?where is my love? i have already looked for 7 years, i still remember the scene which the girl carried her 70 kg luggages when she was teenage to arrive this strange courntry.but i m lucky ,unless i still live ,that is great .thanks my buddha
Go ahead ,dum worry. There r a lots hope in my life.
