
let me go ahead.

Well, this is a new star,because i intend to do another major,or double major.but....it is sad.when i was so exciting to tell mummy my decision.She replied me that dum waste the time.I felt deeply being hitted.I know i m not young ,i m 25 in this year.it does not equate that i can not keep studying.she is so short sight.Althought she is my beloved mummy.i have to say impolitely u r short sight(ectually ,she is shortsight).Mummy i want u can be proud of me. that is why i wanna challenge myself.it is evident that i can direct to study postgraduate,but i won't .actully, I really feel sick for my foremajor.psychology --As a psychologist ,i must be face to the patients whom wanna confide secrets to me.then there r huge negitive energy come to assault me that will make me be dizzy. i can not image one day,i work round this sort of circumstance.so swapping the major is better chose.

Recently,i found that creative movie is so cool.i watched the flash that is made by friend of mine.then i feel i like to creat the some thing ,maybe produce movie that can fit on me.ok,let me go ahead--media study .


can i walk away

I m super stress,because of the relationship.my god,why u afflict me.Let me be suffering.Did i make mistake ?Why i have to accept all of pains?Can u please answer me?I try to be nice and kind.I persuade myself to bear as soon as my possible.Finally,i can't .It is attemped to challenge my deadling.I wanna escape from this man.

Boris ,i know ur situation.I never want to blame to u, because the way that i pick it up by myself.I never consider the relationship can bring huge suffering as now. At moment it is real hard to make any decision from u.Dear,do u know what i wanna ?I do't care the wealth ,I do't care the title,i just wanna share more time with u, only.but it is still hard.i think i almost collapse,how long can i keep suffer from u ? I do not know!Can i chose to walk away ?please ,let me go ...................











do't wanna argue with boris again

This is the "n“times we have argued.I really wanna give up this relationship between boris and me."what do u want me to do " i have asked him thousands of times.everytime ,he just answer me like that 'do't be that la ",shit ,(excouse me ) what does he think who he is ?I really do't care what kind of career which he is doing now.Yep, He has very grace job,so what ,that does't equiate he has nice heart.He afflict me . why ,why,why , I do't want to blame him ,but i m really suffering now. Let me go ,please.or u do the decision.The drag is not good on everybody.



书中说到,无论你是年收入不到一万元的洗碗工,还是年收入过十万元的高薪者,你仍然是用一份的时间去交易一份的金钱。说到“工作保障”,如果你因为被解雇,或有了疾病,或受伤等原因而不能工作了,那么你的工资收入也就停止了,哪里还会有什么保障呢? 你怎样才能摆脱用时间换钱的陷阱呢?通过建造能带来持续收入的管道,你只需要一次性的工作,就可以不断的得到报酬。所以一条管道胜过一千张工资单。管道日复一日,年复一年地在为你产生收益,无论你是否仍在工作。这才是保障——真起码的财务保障。 《管道的故事》会告诉你为什么要建造管道和如何去建造管道,以便你可以跳出这种为了生计而每天必须工作赚钱的生活方式。


你是谁?——提桶者还是管道建造者?  你是否只能去公司上班,并把工作干完了才有收入?就好像提桶人布鲁诺?  或者你彻底地做一次工作,然后一次又一次地得到回报,就像管道建造者柏波罗一样?  如果你像大部分人一样,正在使用提桶计划。我称它为“时间换金钱的陷阱”。我想让你念念下面的绕口令:  一个小时的工作换一个小时的报酬  一个月的工作换一个月的报酬  一年的工作换一年的报酬  这听起来熟悉吗?  提桶的问题是一旦你停止提桶时,收入也就停止了。这意味着“有保障的工作”或“梦想中的工作”的概念只是一个幻觉。提桶的潜在危险在于收入是暂时的,而不是持续的。  如果布鲁诺某天早上醒来时发现自己背部扭伤,起不了床,那一天他可以掐到多少钱?零!  没有工作,就没有收入!  任何提桶的工作都是一样的。只要提桶者用完了病假日或休假日,如果他们不继续提桶,他们就不会得到薪水。  ……



我的心好开心,因为又回到了佛的身边,好好啊!前排和佛吵架,说要离开这个店,佛不肯,因为庙还没帮师傅起好。我想我现在是凡人啊,我读那么多书,还有其他的用啊,你怎么忍心把我困在那个店里:(。原来是佛用心良苦啊,不让我出去受世俗的苦难。在店里天天给那些受苦受难的人开解。也好,反正学的是心理学,正好能用上:) 。没事批个八字,算个命的。人生就是那么的无常。同年同月同日生的还有截然不同的命格。看多了也就没什么了。只能帮那些人大事化小,小事再化小。(化了应该没可能的了)命中注定的,要改就要花大功夫了。也是要受很多痛苦的。。。。。。。



life is that never give up

I told my mummy dum worry abt my marriage.i always trust i will find my true man.acturally ,i dum believe alleged"love"I believed love before 22 years old , i trust fate after 22years old. The god has arranged all of the fates since ppl was born . That is absolute hard to change,even if the couples love each other so much.so what ?the end is end.the end never be like "bigen".that is bull shit (excourse me).
i m like vargancy.where is my home ?where is my love? i have already looked for 7 years, i still remember the scene which the girl carried her 70 kg luggages when she was teenage to arrive this strange courntry.but i m lucky ,unless i still live ,that is great .thanks my buddha
Go ahead ,dum worry. There r a lots hope in my life.



今天把最后的assignment 交了,终于可以缓口气了。我一直都很排斥读书有压力,也许以前在中国的时候,没那种看不明白的压力。到了新西兰,什么都是英文,就连最好的数理化都可以考到不及格,真是天知道。。。。。一直在逃避念书。觉得靠自己的小聪明一定可以生存下来。原来是我错了,逃避是解决不了问题的,问题永远在你面前,没有被解决过。没有被解决的问题,是永远在你面前的一道坎,阻止你前行。既然如此,还不如己来之,则安置。一定有解决的办法的。

昨天,学校为缅甸的灾区守夜,大家都点啦蜡烛什么的,还有喇嘛诵经,看来藏传佛教在达赖喇嘛的宣传下,传播甚广,功德不小。我忙于交assignment就下square 点了支蜡烛,在横幅上写了祝福的话语。那印度的lecturer 嘀哩咕噜的讲了一大段印度口音的大论(有电台录制),我也不明所以,赶快上楼做功课。觉得,能给人带来祝福是件很快乐的事,但是乘机出风头,就好像不。。。。。~。~

最近,情绪极其不稳定,开始吃vitamin B complex 啦。果然有用,有效的帮我抵抗了stress。建议压力过大的朋友,适当的服用些。至少可以缓解压力。那也不是药物什么的,还能补充平日摄取不足的vitamin。现在的人,真惨,什么症状都有,末法期啊,妖魔鬼怪都跑出来捣乱了。我们做人的一定要坚守信念,不要被负极磁场影响了自己。



现在常常会迷茫,自己将来会是怎么样的生活,我知道,BA psychology毕业什么都做不了,我要当空姐,但是,还是要上课,读了那么多年了,还要再读吗?我知道我的宗教缘太强,可我只是想做个普通人啊,天,你为何要怎么玩我,好玩嘛?我很迷茫,我想我什么都不要再想了顺其自然是最好的,船到桥头自然直