
let me go ahead.

Well, this is a new star,because i intend to do another major,or double major.but....it is sad.when i was so exciting to tell mummy my decision.She replied me that dum waste the time.I felt deeply being hitted.I know i m not young ,i m 25 in this year.it does not equate that i can not keep studying.she is so short sight.Althought she is my beloved mummy.i have to say impolitely u r short sight(ectually ,she is shortsight).Mummy i want u can be proud of me. that is why i wanna challenge myself.it is evident that i can direct to study postgraduate,but i won't .actully, I really feel sick for my foremajor.psychology --As a psychologist ,i must be face to the patients whom wanna confide secrets to me.then there r huge negitive energy come to assault me that will make me be dizzy. i can not image one day,i work round this sort of circumstance.so swapping the major is better chose.

Recently,i found that creative movie is so cool.i watched the flash that is made by friend of mine.then i feel i like to creat the some thing ,maybe produce movie that can fit on me.ok,let me go ahead--media study .